If you haven't already entered my contest, please do so!
Also, I wanted to know which giftcard you would rather win, Ulta or Sephora ?
I am not sure which one I am going to get yet, but I am super excited to be able to get it for someone:) Sorry I haven't been posting very much on my blog I just have been very busy lately with track and school, since we only have like 7 weeks left til summer. I am soo excited for summer! I think I am going on a cruise and to a camp too, and I love having free time and hanging out with my friends and swimming everyday and getting super tan and blonder:) Haha. I have decided to put lemon in my hair when I am outside for a while because that helps blonde highlights come out of my hair. I have never gotten actual highlights, but I find using lemon or a product from the store that you put in your hair and then lay out in the sun works well and doesn't damage your hair so much. Well that is all I have to say for now!:)